Life trip

11 07 2023

The past gives us experience.

The future gives us opportunity.

When we take trips the presence time, we can feel it in good or bad.

Where are the feelings coming from?

The past or future?

Do not think where they are coming from.

Just feel something in presences time.

And ask.

Are we smiling in this trip?

Own Wheel or Not.

15 05 2022

Am I Holding my wheel?

Where am I heading?

Does anyone know it?

No one knows.
Even you.

So, where am I going?
Don’t search it.

Just accept and release yourself.

Don’t rush.

You are on the earth with your own wheel.

Wiat and feel nothing.

Until what comes from inside of you.

Don’t rush.
Don’t look.

Just feel you.

Open the Air

27 03 2022

Can you see your Air?

What color is the Air?
Can you Touch it?
Can you Feel it?

Air make a World.

Air can be Something.

Something will be what I have in my mind.

So, open it now.

Everything is unstable.

19 08 2021

Do we want stable?
Do we want safe?

It might telling us that is not what you want.

Action will only take you to what you feel in you.

Fear and unsafe give us unstable in mind.

So, don’t think about we have safe and stable moment at all.

Just everything is unstable.
Mind is always flexible and free.

So, don’t.


Moment of something

23 07 2021

Touch to deth.
Touch to lives.

Someone is dying.
Memory comes back.

Losing something precious.
There is no word to say.

It just feels something filled with.

Is it love?

Is it .. something..

New start might be.

One step is

18 07 2021

Do not take one.
Do not choose one.

Try to see around you and feel in you.

But own mind has to be emptiness.
Like you are the nature itself.

Emptiness is coming from your lifestyle habit.

How your mind feel in you.

No one knows even you.

But you can only feel it.
That’s so precious moment when you touch it.

Harmony with nature.

20 06 2021

Listen to it.

Voice will be a bird.
Sound will be wind.

Eye site will be green and flowers.
Smells are our land.

Listen carefully.

Do not TRY to listen.

Just be in you.
Not to think.
Feel in you with the nature.

We are part of it.